Z87.1 Prescription Safety Glasses

A common mistake made by people is to think that their regular eyewear or sunglasses are capable of protecting their eyes against potential hazards. Although your glasses or goggles share some things in common with prescription safety glasses, the fact is they are not made to serve the important function of protecting your eyes against dangerous hazards. The plain truth is that your prescription safety eyewear comes with markings that are not found on standard glasses or goggles. These markings prove that your eyes are completely protected against flying debris and other hazards.

Markings Make a Real Difference
The markings on your prescription protective eyewear make a real difference. They are based on certain materials. They also show that the frames are made from sturdier materials than regular glasses. Some even come with side shields that protect your eyes from all angles. Also, the frames are impact-resistant and hence won't break easily on impact. The lenses too are made from tough polycarbonate materials. These are the same materials as are used to. make the cockpit of a jet plane and so are very tough.

ANSI Standard
The markings on your prescription safety glasses also show whether the glasses are safety rated. They also indicate that the frames and lenses conform to ANSI or American National Standard Institute standards to ensure total safety. Also, if you see ANSI Z87.1 marking, it shows that your frames are safe to use. Glasses without these markings are not considered safe to use and are not real safety glasses either.

Z87.1 Standard
Most prescription safety glasses have the Z87-2 marking on the front of the frames as well as on the temples. The ANSI Z87.1 marking helps to show that the frames are impact resistant. This means that the frames are made from special materials. To check whether or not your safety glasses are safe, look for the plus sign after the standard marking. If there is no plus sign after the standard marking, it indicates that the glasses have not been tested for impact resistance.

Frames without this marking should not be considered safe for use. However, they will protect your eyes against dust and wind as well as chemical splashes and debris. They won't be effective in protecting your eyes against high-speed moving objects.

Tinted Variety
If you are going to choose tinted prescription safety glasses, then you should look for a few things. There are a variety of markings that you should be looking for. The letter “L” indicates that the glasses are safe for light filtration. R on the other hand indicates that the tinted glasses have an infrared filter rating. The letter V on the marking indicates that the glasses have photochromic lenses while the letter U indicates that the glasses are safe for ultraviolet protection.

All of these letters are permanently stamped on the lenses. They are normally found on the upper corner of your prescription lenses as well as on the upper center edge of lenses that do not have any power.

Construction Business
People working in the construction business as well as those who work in manufacturing units or chemical factories should wear prescription safety glasses. The more knowledgeable you are about these types of eyewear items, the easier it becomes to choose the right pair to protect your eyes.

High-Impact Resistance
When choosing your eyewear, make sure that it conforms to the ANSI standards. It does not matter that you need high-impact safety glasses or that you need prescription safety glasses. You can pick the pair that is perfect for your job. It will not only enhance the safety of your eyes but also it will ensure that you can work better. Nowadays, most companies have to ensure that their workers are given safety glasses, especially if their work leaves them open to the risk of an eye injury.

The bottom line is there is much difference between safety eyewear and regular eyewear. The former must be identified from their ANSI standard markings. The more care you take regarding the safety of your eyes, the safer you will feel at the workplace. And, when you feel safe when performing your work, you can improve your productivity dramatically. Just make sure that you check the ANSI standards on the glasses before making your purchase.